Публікації для цитування у виданнях, що індексуються в в Scopus
Список публікацій науково-педагогічних працівників МАУП, що рекомендовано для цитування у виданнях, що індексуються в Scopus, у 2023 році (жовтень)
(рекомендуємо орієнтуватися на цитування від ДВОХ-ТЬРОХ публікацій з наданого переліку, в яких ви не є співавтором)
1 пріоритету:
- Latysheva, O., Rovenska, V., Smyrnova, I., Nitsenko, V., Balezentis, T., & Streimikiene, D. (2020). Management of the sustainable development of machine-building enterprises: A sustainable development space approach. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 34(1), 328-342. doi:10.1108/JEIM-12-2019-0419
- Bakhov, I., Opolska, N., Bogus, M., Anishchenko, V., & Biryukova, Y. (2021). Emergency distance education in the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic: Experience of ukrainian universities. Education Sciences, 11(7) doi:10.3390/educsci11070364
- Iatsyshyn, A., Iatsyshyn, A., Kovach, V., Zinovieva, I., Artemchuk, V., Popov, O., . . . Turevych, A. (2020). Application of open and specialized geoinformation systems for computer modelling studying by students and PhD students. Paper presented at the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, , 2732 893-908.
- Akimov, O., Troschinsky, V., Karpa, M., Ventsel, V., Akimova, L. (2020). International experience of public administration in the area of national security. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 23(3), pp. 1-7.
- Kryshtanovych, M., Akimova, L., Akimov, O., Kubiniy, N., & Marhitich, V. (2021). Modeling the process of forming the safety potential of engineering enterprises. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 11(3), 223-230. doi:10.18280/ijsse.110302
- Bazaluk, O., Yatsenko, O., Zakharchuk, O., Ovcharenko, A., Khrystenko, O., & Nitsenko, V. (2020). Dynamic development of the global organic food market and opportunities for Ukraine. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(17) doi:10.3390/SU12176963
- Kotenko, S., Nitsenko, V., Hanzhurenko, I., Havrysh, V. (2020). The Mathematical Modeling Stages of Combining the Carriage of Goods for Indefinite, Fuzzy and Stochastic Parameters, International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12(7), pp. 173-180.
- Popovych, I., Pavliuk, M., Hrys, A., Sydorenko, O., Fedorenko, A., & Khanetska, T. (2021). Pre-game expected mental states in men’s mini-football teams: A comparative analysis. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(2), 772-782. doi:10.7752/jpes.2021.02096
- Akimov, O., Karpa, M., Parkhomenko-Kutsevil, O., Kupriichuk, V., & Omarov, A. (2021). Entrepreneurship education of the formation of the e-commerce managers professional qualities. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 25(7)
- Kryshtanovych, M., Akimova, L., Akimov, O., Parkhomenko-Kutsevil, O., & Omarov, A. (2022). Features of creative burnout among educational workers in public administration system. Creativity Studies, 15(1), 116-129. doi:10.3846/cs.2022.15145
- Popovych, I., Halian, I., Pavliuk, M., Kononenko, A., Hrys, A., & Tkachuk, T. (2022). Emotional quotient in the structure of mental burnout of athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(2), 337-345. doi:10.7752/jpes.2022.02043
- Shytyk, L., & Akimova, A. (2020). Ways of transferring the internal speech of characters: Psycholinguistic projection. Psycholinguistics, 27(2), 361-384. doi:10.31470/2309-1797-2020-27-2-361-384
- Popov, O., Іatsyshyn, A., Kovach, V., (...), Iatsyshyn, A., Romanenko, Y.( 2021). Effect of Power Plant Ash and Slag Disposal on the Environment and Population Health in Ukraine, Journal of Health and Pollution, 11(31), pp. 1-10.
- Novak, A., Pravdyvets, O., Chornyi, O., Sumbaieva, L., Akimova, L., & Akimov, O. (2022). FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECURITY IN THE FIELD OF FINANCIAL MARKETS AT THE STAGE OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 7(5) doi:10.26668/businessreview/2022.v7i5.e835
- Levytska, O., Mulska, O., Ivaniuk, U., (...), Vasyltsiv, T., Lupak, R. (2020) Modelling the conditions affecting population migration activity in the eastern european region: The case of Ukraine. TEM Journal, 9(2), pp. 507-514.
- Bondarenko, S., Halachenko, O., Shmorgun, L., Volokhova, I., Khomutenko, A., & Krainov, V. (2021). The effectiveness of network systems in providing project maturityof public management. TEM Journal, 10(1), 272-282. doi:10.18421/TEM101-34
- Hubanova, T., Shchokin, R., Hubanov, O., Antonov, V., Slobodianiuk, P., & Podolyaka, S. (2021). Information technologies in improving crime prevention mechanisms in the border regions of southern Ukraine. Journal of Information Technology Management, 13, 75-90. doi:10.22059/JITM.2021.80738
- Klochan, V., Piliaiev, I., Sydorenko, T., Khomutenko, V., Solomko, A., & Tkachuk, A. (2021). Digital platforms as a tool for the transformation of strategic consulting in public administration. Journal of Information Technology Management, 13, 42-61. doi:10.22059/JITM.2021.80736
- Tsimoshynska, O., Koval, M., Kryshtal, H., Filipishyna, L., Arsawan, W. E., & Koval, V. (2021). Investing in road construction infrastructure projects under public-private partnership in the form of concession. [Інвестування інфраструктурних проектів будівництва доріг за державно-приватного партнерства у формі концесії] Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, (2), 184-192. doi:10.33271/nvngu/2021-2/184
- Dudnik, A., Kuzmych, L., Trush, O., (...), Leshchenko, O., Vyshnivskyi, V. (2020). Smart Home Technology Network Construction Method and Device Interaction organization Concept. 2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on System Analysis and Intelligent Computing, SAIC 2020, 9239220
- Levytska, S., Pershko, L., Akimova, L., Akimov, O., Havrilenko, K., & Kucherovskii, O. (2022). A risk-oriented approach in the system of internal auditing of the subjects of financial monitoring. International Journal of Applied Economics, Finance and Accounting, 14(2), 194-206. doi:10.33094/ijaefa.v14i2.715
- Kortukova, T., Kolosovskyi, Y., Korolchuk, O. L., Shchokin, R., & Volkov, A. S. (2023). Peculiarities of the legal regulation of temporary protection in the european union in the context of the aggressive war of the russian federation against Ukraine. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 36(2), 667-678. doi:10.1007/s11196-022-09945-y
- Semenets-Orlova, I., Klochko, A., Shkoda, T., Marusina, O., & Tepliuk, M. (2021). Emotional intelligence as the basis for the development of organizational leadership during the covid period (educational institution case). Estudios De Economia Aplicada, 39(5) doi:10.25115/eea.v39i5.5074
- Semenets-Orlova, I., Klochko, A., Tolubyak, V., Sebalo, L., & Rudina, M. (2020). Functional and role-playing positions in modern management teams: An educational institution case study. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 18(3), 129-140. doi:10.21511/ppm.18(3).2020.11
- Nozdrenko, D., Abramchuk, O., Prylutska, S., Vygovska, O., Soroca, V., Bogutska, K., . . . Ritter, U. (2021). Analysis of biomechanical parameters of muscle soleus contraction and blood biochemical parameters in rat with chronic glyphosate intoxication and therapeutic use of C60 fullerene. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(9) doi:10.3390/ijms22094977